Sunday, September 26, 2010

Anime Glossary

1. Baka (バカ, ばか, 馬鹿)/aho: Idiot, stupid
2. Bishonen(美少年): beautiful young male/a male that have a cute face
3. Bishoujo(美少女): Beautiful, cute young girl
4. Boy's love/BL(ボーイズラブ): male homosexual gendre
5. Chibi(チビ,ちび): Small in body size
6. CM(シーエム):Commercial message
7. Comiket/ Comic market (コミケット): World's largest comic convention market held biannually inin Akihabara, Tokyo
8. Cosplay/costume play (コスプレ): wearing custome looks like the character from anime or games.
9. Doujinshi(同人誌): self published manga for beginner 
10. Ecchi(エッチ): A visual or artistic style of anime and manga with vague sexual content in the form of sexual humor 
11. Galge(ギャルゲ): japanese type of games about dating gaming with attractive anime-style girls
12. Gothloli(ゴスロリ): A fashion trend where girls and young women dress in the style of elaborate porcelain dolls.
13. Harem (ハーレム): one male (Protagonist) got surronded (loved) by more than 1 girls.
14. Hentai(変態, ヘンタイ): an anime-style of porn/ pervert
15. Hikkikomori( 引き籠もり):someone who secludes themselves within their home,isolate themselves from                     society
16. Iincho(委員長): Class president
17. Kawaii(カワイイ, かわいい, 可愛い): cute
18. Kemono(獣, けもの, ケモノ): beast
19. Kodomo(子供向け):Children
20. Lolicon(ロリコン): a sexual attractive to a girl below 13 years old for boy
21. Manga(漫画, マンガ): Japanese comic
22. Mangaka(漫画家, マンガ家): Manga author
23. Moe(萌え): a Japanese slang word originally referring to a turn on of specific human traits
24. Nekomimi( ミミ): cat ear usually used for moe function
25. Otenba( おてんば, お転婆): Tomboy
26. Okama(  オカマ): Male homosexual
27. Omake( おまけ, オマケ): bonus
28. Orijinaru(オリジナル): Original
29. Otaku(おたく, オタク, ヲタク): describe somebody who is so obsessed with something they never leave their house. Basically it means "geek"
30. OVA:Original Video Animation
31: Owari( おわり, オワリ, 終わり, 終): The end
32. Oyaji( 親父, おやじ, オヤジ): Daddy, female
33. Sake( 酒): japanese rice wine
34. Seinen(青年): teenage boys
35. Seiyu( 声優): Voice actor/actress
36. Shinigami(死神): death god
37. Shoujo(少女): Young woman/ virgin
38. Shonen(少年): Young male/boy
39. Shoutakon: a male child below 13 years old attraction to a older girl
40. Tsuzuku(つづく): To be continued
41. Tsundere(ツンデレ): a character type that initially combative that will say opposite ways from they felt and dislike to lose in anything
42. Yamato Nadeshiko( 大和撫子): Granted to a anime character that good at doing anything
43: Yandere( ヤンデレ):a person who is initially very loving and gentle to someone before their devotion becomes destructive in nature, often through violence.
44. Yaoi(やおい):male homosexual anime gendre
45. Yuri(百合):Female homosexual anime gendre

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